Friday, 8 January 2016

Hello New Year...Hello January 2016

Good Morning Guys!

Happy New Year! How is it 2016 already, I mean a year ago today I went to the Zoo and I honestly feel like that was yesterday. (That is so scary!!) 

Source: Pintrest. 

This weekend I am house sitting at My Grandparents house as they are away for New Years, so I have a whole quiet house to myself to write blog posts! 

So not only Hello New Year.. Hello January! 

There is so many things I want to achieve this year but rather than write a big long non-achievable list of things I am going to do Monthly posts with things I am aiming to that month! So January January January January!! 

1.) Go to bootcamp twice a week! I was doing so well going 3 times a week before December so this month I have 
decided to slowly get myself back into it!

2.) Complete my NVQ - my work offer free qualifications If it will benefit my job role so I started one in September and I'm hoping to have it completed by the end of January!

3.) Post at least 3 times on my blog a week. I am going to make a success of my blog this year!

4.) Go and experience a new place - start as you mean to go on? I want to see as much of the U.K/ the world as I can and I mean why wait!! Let's see where I end up!

Source - Pintrest

So that's my January Goals! This Hello January picture is amazingly fitting as this morning as I went to say bye to Andy when he left for work and we have had our first proper frost of this week! So the first day of the New Year is defiantly a hats gloves and scarf day! 

So Happy New Year guys! Have a lovely day! Remember today is a fresh start and  you can do whatever you want!

Love Em X 

Twitter/Instagram - Emrosee_x

Come and say hello!