Thursday, 31 December 2015

Thoughts for Thursday - New Year!

Hi Guys,

Well this is quite an easy Thoughts for Thursday post as it is New Years Eveeee!

I always get excited on New Years Eve not because I'm doing anything remotely special or going out and getting drunk (I am super boring sorry) but because it feels like a fresh start! For someone who is as organised and loves structure like me, New Years is literally great.

So today not only should you be looking forward and making resolutions to try your best to stick to and goals to achieve in the New Year, I also want you too look back at the year and reflect on all of the things that have made this year for you. I can almost guarentee that argument you had won't even matter and when that dress didn't fit or didn't look as nice as you wanted it too won't even matter!!
I know looking back that I don't even care about any of that I just see an incredible year which I've just had! 

I have put together a couple of collages of my year! Honestly cannot thank 2015 enough for making all my dreams come true!

Time to get ready and welcome in 2015! 

Happy New Year bloggers and blog readers!

Love Em x

Monday, 28 December 2015

Pssssst Mac dupe alert!!

Hi Guys,

So I got this super cool make up storage unit for Christmas so when sorting through all my make up and finding things I didn't even know I had I realised I have two identical products just one is more expensive than the other!! So I thought I would share...

I am currently using my Mac Mineralize Skin Finish - Soft and Gentle as part of my everyday makeup. I use this after I have contoured my cheeks and I always add a tiny bit of blush as well then on top of this I brush over Mac Mineralize Skin Finish and it gives me that shimmery glowing illuminated look which I adore,  just above and along the cheek bone. 

Then I found in my collection something I used to use all the time the Seventeen Instant Glow pink bronze shimmer brick! 

I use this exactly the same as I do the Mac one ignoring the four different colours using it as one and oh my god it's exactly the same!!! I have taken a photo of them next to each other and apart from the slightly more bronzed tone on the seventeen - which you could depot the bronzed one if it really doesn't suit you! 

The quality is actually the same I have tried to do some samples for you but obviously with these being shimmers and the lighting it's hard to see but below is the Seventeen ~ 

and then below is the Mac ~ 

So that Mac is a tiny bit more pigmented although the Seventeen is so buildable so you could make it that pigmented easily!

Seventeen - £4.99

Mac - £24.99$$ja=cgid:8743774675%7ctsid:44970%7ccid:176513035%7clid:82089928075%7cnw:g%7ccrid:53051989675%7crnd:13879030309723079472%7cdvc:m%7cadp:1o4%7cmt:%7cbku:1&pid=203637515

Hope you have enjoyed this blog, I defiantly don't think I will be repurchasing the MAC when I can get the almost exact product for cheaper! 

Any dupes you have discovered? Let me know in the comments!

Love Em X 

Snapchat/Twitter - Emrosee_x 

Come and have a chat xx

Sunday, 27 December 2015

New Year New Blog...?

Hi Guys!

Next year I have decided to throw myself into everything I possibly can, I no longer want to think of myself as having "no hobbies" or when getting asked what I do in my spare time "not a lot" I want to be able to say I have a blog that I am so proud of check it out, I ski, I take dance classes, go to bootcamp, read a lot, travel a lot... You get what I mean but what's most relevant to you is my blog... 

So here's how it's going to work sisters**imagine the sass emoji** (& brothers if there's any of you!) 

I have a plan... ( That's a very scary concept for me!!)

So rather than just posting as and when like I do now I am scheduling!! (Ooooh)

Every Thursday I want to really throw myself into my Thoughts for Thursday feature which I have done one segment of before... Just the one haha! 

I also want to upload one Beauty and 1 lifestyle post a week... Maybe Monday's and Wednesday's and then Thoughts for Thursday on a Thursday?

Theeeeeeen I also want to do a My Top 5 post once a month on either beauty, lifestyle or whatever I have a Top 5 of to write about!

Then if I have survived all of them posts I can do special extra posts and they will go up as and when I feel like it:-)

Soooo this was just so you're all updated on what I plan to do so no one leaves me! If you have any requests or suggestions let me know in the comments below! Hope you've all had a wonderful Christmas! I am going to leave below a quote which I found on Pinterest which really inspired me xx

Love Em X 

Instagram/Twitter - Emrosee_x 

Come and say hello xxxx

Friday, 25 December 2015

Merry Christmas 2015!

Hi Guys,

Just thought I'd make a quick post to day Merry Christmas! 

I hope you've all had such a wonderful day and been spoilt rotten!! I know I have and I am so so grateful for the people who I have surrounding me.

I feel like I have had the most perfect Christmas ever and I only hope all those around me feel the same! 

I mean I know I have neglected my blog the past 2 weeks and I defiantly failed at Blogmas...for the second year running!! I did better this year than last year haha. But I promise come new year I am going to be on this blog thing! I really want to make a success of my blog and maybe even conquer Blogmas 2016!

Have an amazing rest of your day wherever you are in the world! Drop me a comment about your favourite Christmas tradition you and your family have!

Merry Christmas,

Love Em X 

Friday, 18 December 2015

Blogmas - Friday 18th December 2015

'Being that badass heartless mother f**ker who doesn't care what anyone thinks'

If this blog had a title that's what it would be. 

I have had such a good today but then suddenly one thing has just really really annoyed me and it's all I can think about! I really try not to swear and get all deep and meaningful on my blog as well nobody is interested in a foul mouth moaner. Let's be honest. 

So rather than this being a blog post dwelling on how bloody pissed of I am it's more of a if your feeling the same here's some tips on how to pick yourself up and be that sassy bitch which you know you are... Don't pretend you don't have one!! 

First of all, find what's pissing you off! Is it that important? Who cares what some idiot thinks? Who cares if something didn't go your way today. 

Tomorrow was created for a reason, so that any shit that happened today can be sorted! Some prick pissed you off insulted you or let you down? Cut them off! You don't need that negativity in your life. Their opinion shouldn't matter to you.
Something didn't work out for you? Tomorrow is the day you start taking steps to achieve whatever you couldn't today! 

Don't dwell on it!!! 

I am guilty of this and it's so hard not to but you need to just let it go, trust me you'll feel so much better so just fucking it off. As my very chavy brother would say.. 'Dead it' and it's so true! Why waste your time on losers! 

Play some sassy bitch music!

This always makes me feel so much better! My favourites at the moment...

Justin Bieber - Love yourself - not so much sassy bitch but it helps

Anything Kanye!! Stronger, no church in the wild are my go to's

Grace - you don't own me

Nicki minaj? Beyoncรฉ? Girl you go this!

Nobody can fix your problems you have to take charge of your life!! 

I know it seems scary if your at school or young but trust me as soon as you get older.. 

If you don't like something why the fuck would you waste your life on/with it? Your worth so much more than that! 

You need to know when enough is enough and when you need to take charge and sort your own life out! The only person who can make YOU happy is YOU. 

Most of the time if people are being dicks it's because they're jealous of you or are intimidated by you. Embrace the hate baby!!

Take pride in being you, encourage others and don't give a fuck what people think of you!

Make decisions for your life - failed a test? Don't want to go to uni? Want to go uni? 

Only you can help? If it's going to get you to where you want to be put aside your hate and pride and get on with it!

Hahaha so this has been super rantish! It's how I sort myself out guys so bear with haha, let me know how you get yourself out a bad mood!

Tomorrow will be a festive post! & I can't wait. 

Love you bye haha

E x

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Reviving Blogmas 2015 6th-18th December

Hi Guys! 

So shock, I have had an absolutely rubbish week which has meant my Blogmas has just failed! I am so gutted but I am going to try and make it till Christmas from now!

Not much has happened this week! Work as usual and then I went to our team Christmas meal which was so so so so so much fun! I wish I could have taken more photos! It was a great evening though! I had a two course Christmas meal surrounded by such great people! 

If you follow me on Instagram you would have seen my secret Santa gift I received! 

I went to the German Christmas market in Birmingham this weekend with my best friend too! Wish defiantly got me in the Christmas spirit and ... I've finally finished my Christmas shopping!!!! 

My work Christmas party was this weekend too! I would put pictures up but I don't know whether people would want their pictures scattered across my blog but honestly it was amazing and I couldn't be happier!

What's also made the past week great for me is that it is now only 2 days until Andy is home for Christmas!!! Yay!!

So yeah, that's been Blogmas for the past few days which I missed!! I'm going to try and keep up with it from now until Christmas! (Try! Don't quote me on it haha)

Love Em X

Snapchat/Instagram/Twitter - Emrosee_x 

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Saturday 5th December

Hi Guys,

As I said today is another chatty blog post! 

(I don't look amused do I? Promise I was having fun!!)

I have had such a good day today oh my god! So as Christmas is fast approaching we decided to get right into the Christmas spirit with something we do every year - HARRODDDDS! It seriously is the most magical place ever. 
The tubes were absolutely packed so we walked from Green Park which wasn't actually that far.
We spent hours in Harrods (easily done) leaving with only a birthday present for Andys mum! 

The obviously as we were so close to Hyde Park we may as well pop into Winter Wonderland. (We were only there two weeks ago but when in London you must) Churros!! Is all I can say! I am so in love with Churros and mulled wine!

Christmas really is my most favourite time of the year! I wish it was Christmas time all year round! 
I only fall with Christmas shopping!! I mean maybe it's because I love to spoil people too much but I get people most of their gift and then I'm stuck! For example my brother is done, he's the easiest anything branded and he's happy! My mum has a couple of CD's she has asked for but obviously i want to get her something else!& I have bought dad and Cam a virgin experience day to do what?! Or am I going to OTT?! 

As for Andy and all my friends, I have no idea!! 

Anyway! Thanks for reading, leave me a comment with your favourite things about Christmas! 

Speak soon!

Love Em X 

Saturday, 5 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Friday 4th December!

Ooooh hey guys!!

Look at me four blog posts in four days, now this is exciting! I am so determined to make this Blogmas actually work! 

As promised today is a chatty blog post as I have travelled down to London straight after work to spend the weekend with Andy.  If you didn't already know although Andy lives in the same town as me he is currently at university in London so if he's not home and it's been a couple of weeks I come and stay for the weekend!

So straight after work Dad kindly offered to drive me down so I didn't have to get on the train! (win win win win)

Andy had told me earlier in the week that he wasn't feeling Christmassy and I get that living alone away from home with the run up to Christmas must be strange. So me being me who absolutely adores Christmas have sorted him right out! 

He now has a mini Christmas tree, an advent calendar and a Christmas card! I also bought a bottle of Bucks Fizz because that is super Christmassy! So tonight we have had our own little Christmas 3 weeks early :) 

Oh and he had mince pies here!! How sweet so we really are extremely festive this weekend. 

Apart from that we haven't really done anything tonight, I always struggle with it being a Friday and I get up at 6am to who to work all day and by the time I get here I am super tired so I think it's a film and snuggles for us tonight! In true Christmas style :)

I have a few really exciting blog posts to come but I am warning you that until Sunday the 7th they may just be chatty day in the life posts as I am away from home!

Hope you've all had a lovely day and are feeling Christmassy! Only 21 days to go! 

Love Em X 


Thursday, 3 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Fujifilm Instax mini 8

The Hi Guys! 

DAY 3!! Happy 3rd of December! 

So today I have a review/ telling you how much you need this in your life or the Fujifilm Instax mini 8! 

Oh my god! So I was bought this for my birthday in 2014 and never really used it until 2015 and I honestly can say I couldn't live without it now! I love it!!

Obviously I had to have the pink one, I am such a girl sometimes! Also I have the cutest little Christmas tree in my room so it was a perfect opportunity to put mini Polaroids on and take photos for my blog! 

So the camera itself is super easy to use, I mean if I can use it then so can you! It takes you back to basics which is great look through the lense and take the photo. 

It has different settings for different lightings which has been a god send this year. This Instax has been on nights out with me and abroad meaning very dark settings and very bright settings and I have the best pictures! 

You can get different coloured and themed film which is so cute, I have the coloured ones in the photo above but I generally stick to the plain ones as I like to write little captions on them so I will always remember when the picture was taken! 

Film is the most expensive part about these cameras, the camera itself costs around £80 although don't quote me as this was a gift. I will leave a link below. Film is around £1 per shot, you being able to by 10 shots or packs of 10's. I always get mine from eBay now as you can pick up some great deals on film and get some really cute films on there. 

I also have a case which is super durable and has a long strap so I can have it round my neck like a true tourist when I'm out and about so it doesn't take up room in my bag or get squashed or broken! 

I display mine on my wardrobe doors...

I also have 2 little boxes with clips so I can put photos on them, one next to my block calendar which is above and then one on my desk at work with some of my favourite Polaroids! Then a hell of a lot on my desk needing to be organised!!

The links to the camera and case are below.

I hope you have enjoyed this third blog post for Blogmas 2015! I am off to London tomorrow evening for the weekend so I think you'll probably get some chatty posts again but we will see! Anything could happen here of drifting rose petal!! Haha, have I convinced you to come back?

Camera -,store:1394105420848248098&prds=oid:17430902693163548029&q=fujifilm+instax&hl=en-gb&ei=fL5gVofiCMj5UvaIpYgG 

Camera case -

Let me know your thoughts on the Fujifilm Instax mini 8!?

Social media is all Emrosee_x (Twitter,Instagram and Snapchat) or use the hashtag #DriftingRosePetal to get in contact!

Love Em, X 

(This is currently me being and feeling very festive) 

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - December 2nd 2015

Hi Guys,

Today's post is more of a chatty post, I'm going to try and mix it up so we don't get bored! 

So today I got up and opened my milky bar advent calendar and I really couldn't work out what the chocolate was meant to be... it just looks like a penis!! If you follow my Instagram you will already have seen this if not I've added the picture below! Haha it did make my morning a bit easier, love a good giggle!

I then drove to work with Micheal Bublรจs Christmas album on, I'm really going with the whole Christmassy theme!! 

Work was fine, was over before I knew it which was great! Then when I got home operation Christmas decorations started! 

The tree is up and secured to the curtain pole so no kittens can attack it and pull it over and it's looking pretty good if I do say so myself.

I don't have any photos yet as my coloured lights have stopped working!!! Which is so annoying! But here's pictures of me doing it because I am shameless! 

Hahaha opps!! As much as I have had so much fun putting up the Christmas tree I wish Andy was here to do it with me, none of my family are particularly bothered about the Christmas tree and although he was around last Christmas this is our first official Christmas together! But I'm sure we will have many more to put the Christmas tree up together!

I am trying to post at least one festive photo on Instagram a day this month so if you want to follow me and keep up to date I am @emrosee_x or use the hashtag #driftingrosepetal xx

Are your Christmas decs up yet? Send me across pictures to inspire me. 

Snapchat - Emrosee_x 

Love Em X

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Blogmas 2015 - Blushes - Day 1

Hi Guys!

So as you can tell by the title this blog post is not only about blushes but I have decided to attempt blogmas again!! 

I am so excited that it's the first of December! I have been waiting for this day for weeks!! Now I can finally be festive and it's perfectly acceptable! 

Anyway enough about Christmas, by the end of the month you'll be fed up with Christmas chat! 

I decided to show you the four different blushes which I own and do mini reviews about them as I feel I have been lacking with beauty posts recently.

From left to right, the first is a blush and highlight stick by KIKO, the second is a velvet touch creamy blush also from KIKO and the next is an MUA powder blush and the last is a MUA mixed blush. 

This blush is great for when you are in a rush it's a subtle blush so if your rushing around and don't blend it properly it doesn't matter that much and the highlighter is brilliant as you can basically draw lines on your face and have flawless make up! 

This next blush is a bright blush but when 
blended in gives you a nice and natural warm glow. KIKO is really winning with blushes at the moment, if you haven't already joined the KIKO hype please go and rest some of their makeup. It's reasonably priced and great quality! 

This next one is defiantly a bit worn but it's too much of a good product to leave out. This I use when I want a really blush look rather than bronzed as it is really bright and pigmented, defo not one to use if your in a rush and don't have time to work with it. 

This next blush is fairly new to my make up collection; I haven't really used it enough to comment on it yet however I love the concept of it and as it is MUA it is dirt cheap! 

What blushes do you use? Any recommendations? I normally go for a more bronzed look but really want to branch out a bit! 

Happy 1st December 

Love Em x

Monday, 16 November 2015

Life Update

 Hi guys,

Oh my god where has November gone? It's flying by!! I feel like this whole year has just disappeared in front of me! Although looking back I have done so so much! 

As I said a few blog posts back when I changed my blog name I've decided to make this a beauty and lifestyle blog as I quite like having a sort of online diary! 

So here's a little life update for you :) 

I went to a Disney themed firework show this month which was so nice! We met a few friends and had a lovely time! 

I also made a cake for my works Bake off! It came fourth out of 10 which I am pretty chuffed about!! My theme was bonfire and fireworks so... 

This was my cake!

I have also fallen head over heals for Autumn/Winter fashion! I mean hooded furry capes!!! So have a shameless selfie of me in my winter gear! I am going to do a 5 winter outfits post but I want to wait until I'm in London this weekend to get more Christmassy photos!

I also had my nails done yesterday and I cannot tell you how much I love my mermaid nails!! 

They glitter cool colours but obviously it's hard to see in a photo!

So far nothing else exciting has happened yet in November! Although I'm off next week to London for my Christmas London weekend with A which I am so excited for :) 

That's what I've been up to this November what have you done? 

Let me know in the comments below!

Have a great day :)

Love Em x

Monday, 2 November 2015

Halloween 2015

Hi Guys,

My Halloween this year was AMAZING!! Can it be Halloween every weekend please?

So my day started with taking my boyfriend back to his so he could play (and do really well at) golf!

I went straight into town to buy him a black top for his Halloween outfit! 

Then I went to hobbycraft to buy liquid latex... I went all out this year!!

So let's skip all the boring rubbish that happened... I was a cat...shock! Andy was a thug... I made a slit across his neck! 

Photos photos photos!!

My leg looked better from far away! I loved wearing bright pink lipstick - it was lush! 

It was such a brilliant night!
Everyone was so drunk, in such good spirits and soooooo many people were out having a great time!!

I am going to do a Halloween get the look because I enjoyed getting ready so so so much!

What did you do for Halloween? Let me know in the comments below! 

Have a great week, 

Love Em x

Saturday, 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween 2015๐ŸŽƒ

Hi Guys! 

Happy Halloween! I can't quite believe that it's that time of year all over again but I can honestly say that it is my most favourite time of year ever!

This is more of a chatty post because I really wanted to show you my pumpkins!

Last night my boyfriend and I decided to carve the pumpkins that I had bought earlier in the week now that he is back from uni for the weekend. 

I mean I am super proud of my pumpkin, my boyfriend is an artist so I was expecting mine to be soooo bad in comparison but when you put them together mine looks pretty good too!!

Can you guess who's is who's? 

What are my plans for today? 

Well... I have such a busy day ahead so I decided that I will tell you what I am planning to do and then update you all tomorrow!

So on Monday I am taking part in my works take on Great British Bake Off and I am the first to bake in my team... My theme is fireworks/Guy Fawkes! 

So today I am going to make and decorate the cake ready for Monday and then I am meeting my friends in the evening for dinner at Nandos. 

Then I am going out!!! Obviously it's Halloween!๐ŸŽƒ so I am going to come home and have a lush bath with the below bath bomb or melt or bubble bar I can't remember which it is!

It would be rude not to! Check out my previous post to see all of the festive things I bought from lush!

Then I am going to do my make up and paint my boyfriends face ready for what I hope will be a brilliant night out!! 

Tweet me pictures of your pumpkins or Halloween make up @Emrosee_x I would love to see them!!

See you all tomorrow (if I survive my crazy busy spooky day!!) (I'm sure I will)


Emily X

Saturday, 10 October 2015

What's in my travel make up bag?

Hi Guys,

Second blog post from me in a week!! I must be sick! 

This year I have travelled about a lot and it has taken me forever to get my travel make up bag up to scratch. I am now in London for a long weekend and I finally feel like I've cracked it. 

This Travel Make Up bag is aimed at staycations and weekends away as when  I am abroad my make up bag is very different as I tend not to wear make up. 

Okay so here is my travel make up bag!

You may have already guessed that not everything will fit in this bag and it is not all make up products but I thought I would include all types of skincare too. 

First up! The make up side of things...

First up are my Zoeva make up brushes which I adore!! A blog post review is coming on those so hold tight on that. They come I a. Massive leather secure bag which I have started using as a travel make up bag. My make up bag varies but the key is to keep it small. 

I have two foundations - 

Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow by Benefit in the shade Honey. (Everyday wear)
Chanel Perfection Luminere in the shade 32 beige rose. (Special occasions)

Benefit Porefessional is a staple!!! It is also really handy as they do a travel sized one which is a great addition to your travel make up bag. 

Hello Flawless by Benefit pressed setting powder in the shade Honey. For me a powder over my foundation is necessary however depending on your skin this could be something you leave out saving you space! This also comes with a sponge and brush underneath so if you don't have make up brushes that you love this will save you even more space.

Sleek eyebrow palette in 820 Black as it is now a crime to leave the house with rubbish brows! This also comes with two different shaped brushes and some mini tweezers.

MUA LUXE Whipped Velvet Blush in the shade Rococo which is very pink and packaged really compactly which saves space. I love the whipped texture of this blush!

Rimmel London Lasting Finish soft colour blush in the shade 080 bronze. This is tiny but defo not a blush I use it as a bronzer. 

Maybelline New York Great Lash Mascara in the shade Very Black. Only recently started using this but I am loving it.

Then I have bought 4 lipsticks, two lipgloss (yes the pencil one is infact lipgloss!!) and a lip balm. This is my travel downfall I couldn't condense my love of lipsticks down to two which is probably a good number to take away. 

I have three of the Kate Lipsticks in the shades - 
• shade 30
• shade 05
• shade 107
My KIKO one in the shade 814 (I think)
The first Lipgloss is by Maybelline and in the shade 360 stellar berry. 
The most exciting Lipgloss is pencil shaped from KIKO  in the shade 00

I also have a Calvin Klein Ultimate Edge lipgloss pot in the shade plum

And finally the lip balm, which would live in my handbag is just a baby lips hydrate. 

Next is the other half of my travel make up bag which is more skin care related! 

Simple Kind to Skin hydrating light moisturiser. Such a staple!!! I use this all the time absolutely adore this product. 

My perfume which is Chanel Chance Eau Tendre which is just the most beautiful smelling perfume in the world!

Benefit it's Potent Eye Cream. Again love this product and use it everyday.

Garnier Micellar Cleansing water. I'm not going to be able to bring my whole face cleansing toning and mousturing products so this one works perfectly. Just make sure you have also bought some cotton pads along too. 

I have also thrown into my bad is the They're real remover by Benefit, benefit are brilliant for giving samples. When I bought my foundation the woman threw in loads of samples and this one is brilliant to take with you to remove eye make up as I like to use something made for eyes so that it is gentle. 

I also bought along a sample of the Benfit face serum which is more of a nice to have than essential but as its small why not!

That concludes what is in my travel make up bag! I finally feel I've got it right although I still think I could condense it down even more than what it is.. 2 foundations, 6 lip products.. You follow my drift!

Do you have any suggestions of products I should try? What's in your make up bag?

Have a great day!

Twitter&Instagram - Emrosee_x