It's Sunday morning and I've decided that I want to do a bit of a different blog post for you today! Although this blog has primarily been beauty based so far, which I apologise for, I did say that I wanted to do some lifestyle posts for you to, so here we are!
Live the Adventure
Recently my friend who's a year older than me has been offered the most amazing opportunity but it's the other side of the world and he's really struggling to make a decision on what to do! This really excited me and inspired this blog post!
If your going to live by anything in your life it should be 'just do it'. It's what I live by. You can spend your entire life doing what you want to do, travelling the world, seeing different places, exploring different cultures and learning new things! You don't even have to leave the country you live in if you don't want to, just find things that will make you happy and give you new experiences, our you could base your life around what makes other people happy and only do things which keep the other people around you happy. If the people around you don't support what YOU want to do then they don't deserve to be in your life!
Sometimes I think it's hard to work out what makes you happy because you've spent so long trying to fit in or do things which the people around you enjoy rather than what you enjoy!
So make the change which I have made recently, withdraw yourself for just a day, and find what really makes YOU happy, no one else just you. When you've done this you will have a whole new perspective on life and everything you do. I guarantee that as soon as you start doing what makes you happy and thinking about yourself you will feel so much better and become a much happier person!
If I could give one bit of advise to everyone it would be to,
Live the life that you want to lead.
I really hope that this hasn't come across as me being preachy and shoving my opinions down your throat! I didn't want it to be like that, I just wanted to remind you all that your happiness is important too!
I'm going to leave this post with a really lovely quote which I found on Pinterest this morning, which relates to this post!
Thank you for reading and I hope this has helped you in becoming a happier person!
Let me know in the comments what makes you happy and/ or places to visit which have made you happy!
Emily x